As a Congregation we emphasize unity, and welcome Jews of all backgrounds to join our services and become an active part of our community. The centrality of our location in downtown Manhattan attracts thousands of diverse Jews from around the world seeking a warm and inviting atmosphere where prayer and friendship are cherished. Our proximity to many of the nation’s leading universities allow us unprecedented access to a young and enlightened student population which is increasingly seeking a vibrant Jewish communal life, coupled with Torah observance in the classical Sephardic tradition. The scholarship that we offer at CMDM encourages broad thinking, and addresses the lasting contributions of Rabbis and scholars. At CMDM we are dedicated to the promotion of positive Jewish values which define our mission of inclusion, kindness, integrity, and scholarship.
A full service congregation providing daily services, torah classes, young professional dinners, and singles events.
Educate all our members both young and old to be respectful to one another, in accordance with the principals of derekh eretz. Encourage our congregants to participate in acts of hesed directed at those less fortunate.
Promote and hold sacrosanct the historic contributions of our Great Rabbanim and scholars throughout the ages in Rabbinics, Halakha, and communal leadership.
Recognize the historic changes in the roles and educational achievements of Women in this century and seek to strengthen their role and participation in our community.
Living our personal, family, and public lives guided by the highest ethical standards, reflective of moral righteousness, humility, and sanctification of God’s name.
Empower each congregant to reach their potential and to make a difference in the world while being inspired by the Torah and Misvot.
Recognizing the State of Israel as our eternal homeland and affirming religious and historical significance for all Jews in Israel and the Diaspora.